• Derives a public key from a given private key using the Jubjub elliptic curve. This function utilizes the Baby Jubjub elliptic curve for cryptographic operations. The private key should be securely stored and managed, and it should never be exposed or transmitted in an unsecured manner.

    The private key must be an instance of Buffer, Uint8Array or a string. The input will be used to generate entropy and there is no limit in size. The string is used as a set of raw bytes (in UTF-8) and is typically used to pass passwords or secret messages. If you want to pass a bigint, a number or a hexadecimal, be sure to convert them to one of the supported types first. The 'conversions' module in @zk-kit/utils provides a set of functions that may be useful in case you need to convert types.


    • privateKey: string | Uint8Array | Buffer

      The private key used for generating the public key.

    Returns Point<bigint>

    The derived public key.